The P3 Experience



Implement techniques to enhance mental toughness while encouraging athletes to break down the wall of fear and conquer mental roadblocks.


An interactive cognitive approach to attitude, teaching athletes how to physically train the mindset. Inspire the mental strength to persevere.


Team up with your student athletes as they conquer the mental roadblocks and leverage their leadership growth opportunities.  Empower your high threshold achievers.


P3 Course Design

Our P3 experience offers an engaging interactive format, available both in-person and online.

The P3 experience holds significant importance for each participant as it offers a holistic approach to preparation, instruction, and performance, addressing crucial cognitive and leadership skills essential for success.

  • Student athletes engage in activities and discussions that provide them with the tools to conquer mental roadblocks while enhancing confidence and leadership.
  • Coaches expand their toolkit by refining how they integrate their strengths with complex team dynamics and individual personalities, enabling them to adapt swiftly to changes.
  • Parents have a unique opportunity to be on the bench, witnessing the improvements of their student athlete’s confidence and passion for their sport.

Our customized P3 development program and assessment portal provide a cognitive-driven experience designed to enhance communication, performance tracking, team building, and strategic thinking. It’s time to gain a competitive edge that fosters long-term success across all areas of life.

The P3 program hosts various curriculums including a) A Focus on Preparation, b) Communication and Teamwork, c) Situational Awareness, d) Self Confidence and Self-Belief, e) Reignite The Burnout, F) Raise Up, and g) Think Like A Champion