Interested In Hosting A CMF Camp

Interested In Hosting A CMF Camp?

Rodney Zimmerman is the founder of Conditioned Minds Foundation (CMF), a tax-exempt nonprofit 501c3 organization that services the silent callings for leadership enhancement surrounding how youth prepare athletically, execute academically, and self-assess emotionally.  He has served as an athletic director, PE Teacher, Grade Advisor, Program Director, and Athletic Instructor.  Rodney is a frequent speaker at school assemblies, leadership symposiums, athletic events, corporate team building workshops, and professional development workshops.  His presentations continue to leave audiences redirecting their own emotional temperatures and feeling empowered to make change. 

Rodney received his Bachelor of Science degree in Political Science from UCLA where he graduated while participating as a 4 year scholarship basketball player for the Bruins.  After graduating, he played in the NBA for the Detroit Pistons and overseas in numerous foreign countries. 

What sets Rodney Zimmerman apart is his ability to connect directly to the emotions and mindset of others.  A visionary, Rodney has not only placed research and theory on human emotions into his training seminars, camps, and clinics, but has extended his vision by creating AI technology tools that offer behavioral insights by diagnosing specific barriers to individual emotions and thoughts.

Rodney has defined his career by assisting student-athletes, at-risk youth, students, teachers, parents, coaches, teams, and corporate departments, overcome many of the mental and performance barriers that prevent success in the classroom, the community, on the court/field, in the workplace, and at home.

Speaking Events

Travels From: Cartersville, Georgia
Speech Topics Audience Categories
The "U" Inside of YoU Youth, Adults, Workplace Youth Development / Self-Identity / Corporate Culture
If Not You Then Who? Students, Teachers, Administrators, Athletes, Coaches Leadership / Motivation & Inspiration / Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Community-cation Youth, Adults, Organizations Community Relations / Team Building / Professional Development
An Investment In Personal Growth Youth, Adults, Workplace Attitude / Facing Adversity / Change
Into The Huddle Teams, Parents, Workplace Leadership / Motivation & Inspiration
Raise Up Teams, Workplace Motivation
Unlocking The Fear of Performance Teams, Workplace, Athletes, Coaches Leadership








Optimizing every area of our emotional temperature

Reframe the temperature, dissolve fears of failure and self blame, while reigniting opportunities to lead through actions.






To arrange a speaking event or workshop, send us a message.

Speech Topics

The "U" Inside of YoU

Rodney Zimmerman deep dives into individual transitional focus by providing strategies to create awareness through cognitive perspective using experiential teachings. Inspiring understanding within self, Rodney ties this ability to supporting collaboration, and inclusive learning environments. 

If Not You, Then Who?

Rodney Zimmerman not only explains how our emotional temperature helps redirect our daily perspective, but challenges everyone in the room to make an impact statement every opportunity they have. Rodney goes in depth on how to eliminate the fear of failure and fear of blame, in order to lead through every opportunity. By gauging the emotional temperature, listeners will gain a comprehensive understanding of his Listen, Hear, Process, Analyze philosophy; will learn to help the hopeful instead of just the helpless; and gain momentum in motivating the motionless. 


Providing solutions to expand growth within various communities, Rodney Zimmerman speaks on ways to ensure levels of quality control, communication enhancement, partnership techniques, positive infrastructures, customer relationships, prevention over inspection techniques, and a design for continuous community growth and improvement. Believing that the cost of preventing mistakes is usually much less than the cost of correcting them, Rodney discusses best practices for continuous improvement in both small and large community environments. 

An Investment In Personal Growth

Examining and understanding what defines us as human beings, what makes us who we want to become, and how to define our legacy, Rodney Zimmerman explains how to develop The attitude, train the aptitude, and endure the altitude. This includes training the mindset, regulating focus and critical thinking, conquering the mental roadblocks, raising mental thresholds, inspiring the mental strength to persevere daily; and transforming how we visualize to create our best opportunities. learning models which help clients become their best opportunity. 

Into The Huddle

Rodney Zimmerman encourages and teaches how to use strengths to be more productive and meaningful to a team concept. Implement the think championships, practice like a champion, and play like champions mental techniques necessary to have a successful team. Plant the seed for the kind of mind-set needed to permeate the elite squad. Embracing all moments while focusing on oneness and unit training, Rodney enhances team concept while implementing individual visions within one mission alongside purpose. 

Raise Up

Rodney Zimmerman introduces interactive techniques on effective ways to raise participant levels of perseverance and leadership through effort, passion, commitment, vision, and attitude. Using a fight for success strategy, learn not to be afraid of fighting for success, how to be proud of the fight, and how to get used to fighting for success. Focal points include elevating individual goals, creating stronger practice and communication skills, defining strength and ability within a team environment, and learning how to use individual talents to meet the coaches’ goals 

Unlocking The Fear of Performance

Rodney Zimmerman untangles your team by untangling the group thinker mentality. The group thinker mentality is when a bad idea grabs hold of the psyche of each individual. Those bad ideas include roles and responsibilities, time, and team member isolations. This mentality creates isolated thinkers, causing your team to compartmentalize each individuals strengths and weaknesses. Rodney will teach proper practice performance and regiment from start to finish for positive performance results. Unlocking the potential surrounding fear and creating an ability to expand opportunities, each participant will revitalize the idea of exceptive communication and best practices in a team environment.