Mission I'mPossible Online Camp Adventure
One of the most incredible interactive camps that will keep your child fully engaged and wanting to come back for more.
MISSION I'mPossible Online Camp Programming 2020
Instructor: Alexa
- No materials needed (excersise matt optional)
Time: 30 minutes
Age Groups: 1st- 8th grade
(a modified version of this is available for 4yrs-K)
Engaging with students in the mindful practice of yoga. Through my zoom class we will engage in 30 minutes of yoga practices. We can also take this time to have a group chat and check in with the campers on how they are doing. Those willing to share are welcome.
Instructor: ? or Alexa
- No materials needed
Time: 30 minutes
Age Group: 1st-8th Grades
A dance exercise with music class with music that will get the kids moving!
Story Telling/Book Club
Instructor: Alexa Kesler
- No materials needed (optional to get the weekly book to follow along with)
Time: 30 minutes
Age group: 3yrs-3rd grade
(program will be modified for each age group)
Books TBA (ASAP)
Each week a new story will be read, campers will have the choice to get the book in advance and read along with the instructor. After we have read the story we will have a group discussion about the story. Each book will align with the theme of the week.
Sing Along
Instructor: Jessica Blanc
(No materials needed)
Time: 15 minutes
Age group: 3yrs-5yrs
Instructors will get the kids together and do interactive sing-alongs with music and puppets
Instructor: ?
- No materials needed (optional ……….)
Time: 30 minutes -1 hour
Age group: 3 years-1st grade
(programs will be modified for each age group)
Instructor will lead groups in interactive music program
Instructor: Simonie Levy
No materials needed
Time: 30 minutes -1 hour
Age group: 1st-6th grade
Interactive drama classes, kids will engage in creative group activities. Getting outside their comfort zones with storytelling, expressive movement, pantomime and building confidence.
Instructor: Alexa Kesler or Kendra Farby?
(List of materials needed will be given out before hand)
Time: 30 minutes/ 1 hour
Age group: 3yrs-8th
(Program will be adjusted based on age range)
Each age group will do a different art project. We will start this project together online and students can finish it after the class. Campers will be able to send pictures and check in with the instructor.
- Vision Boards
- Self Portrait Collages
- Finger Painting
- Outdoor art collage projects
Instructor: Will Kenyon
Time: 30-45 minutes
Age group: 2nd-8th grade
Online virtual board games, campers will play games on their end that interact with the instructor. **more details to come**
Gardening & Nature
Instructor: Angela LaBarbra
(List of materials needed will be given out before hand)
Time: 30-45 minutes
Age group: K-8th
Campers will participate in gardening lessons and exploring the outdoors. Activities such as planting (i.e fruits, vegetables, herbs and flowers). Nature, scavenger hunts and learning about all the beautiful things one can discover in their own yard!
Science Experiments
Instructor: Angela LaBarbra
(List of materials needed will be given out before hand)
Time: 30-45 minutes
Age group: 1st-8th
(Program will be adjusted based on age range)
Campers will be given a list of materials they will need and conduct fun and interactive experiments. They will follow along with the instructor to conduct science experiments.
Building & Design
Instructor: Alexa Kesler
(Things around the out /*Some materials may be needed)
Time: 30 minutes/ 1 hour
Age group: 3yrs-8th
(Program will be adjusted based on age range)
Campers will engage in different art building and design challenges weekly. Most of the challenges will be completed during the duration of the class time.
- Lego building
- Use of materials around the home to make different projects
Instructor: Alexa Kesler
(Some materials may be needed)
Time: 30 minutes/ 1 hour
Age group: 3yrs-8th grade
(Program will be adjusted based on age range)
Campers will engage in cooking together as well as participating in cooking challenges and techniques.. Each program will be based on the child's age group.