The P3 Experience Breaking Down The Wall of Fear

Breaking Down The Wall of Fear


  1. Creates an ability to be vulnerable and allows those around to experience the same or different emotions.
  2. Demonstrates the ability to let go of control and create new patterns to secure the same expected results.
  3. Identifies fears to truly notice things about it that was not known before; ultimately creating an awareness and potential ability to overcome it.
  4. Understanding how to focus on deep breathing techniques (long exhale/short inhale) and mindfulness as a method to force the body to physically calm itself while allowing more awareness through observation and self-correction.

P3 Course Design

Opening Activity:

  • Aerobic Preparation

Experiential Activities:

  1. Gradual Exposure to Fearful Situations:
    • Start with low-stakes scenarios that evoke mild discomfort or anxiety and gradually increase the intensity as participants become more accustomed to making decisions under pressure.
    • Use Reaction Time & Decision-Making Analysis to measure participants’ responses to fear-inducing stimuli and track their progress over time.
  2. Cognitive Behavioral Techniques:
    • Teach participants cognitive-behavioral strategies such as cognitive restructuring and exposure therapy to reframe their thoughts and beliefs about fear-inducing situations.
    • Encourage participants to challenge irrational beliefs and replace them with more rational and adaptive thoughts through self-reflection and guided exercises.
  3. Decision-Making Confidence Building:
    • Provide opportunities for participants to practice making decisions in a supportive environment where they can gradually build confidence in their ability to cope with fear.
    • Use Reaction Time & Decision-Making Analysis to assess participants’ decision-making speed and accuracy, reinforcing their strengths and highlighting areas for improvement.
  4. Positive Reinforcement and Encouragement:
    • Offer positive reinforcement and encouragement to participants as they confront and overcome fear-inducing challenges.
    • Celebrate small victories and milestones along the way to boost participants’ confidence and motivation to continue pushing past their fears.
  5. Visualization and Mental Rehearsal:
    • Guide participants through visualization exercises where they imagine themselves successfully navigating fear-inducing situations and making confident decisions.
    • Use Reaction Time & Decision-Making Analysis to measure changes in participants’ reaction times and decision-making processes as they visualize themselves overcoming their fears.
  6. Supportive Group Dynamics:
    • Foster a supportive group environment where participants can share their experiences, fears, and progress with one another.
    • Encourage peer support and collaboration to help participants feel less isolated in their journey to overcome fear.
  7. Personalized Goal Setting and Progress Tracking:
    • Work with participants to set personalized goals for confronting and overcoming specific fears.
    • Use Reaction Time & Decision-Making Analysis to track participants’ progress toward their goals and adjust interventions accordingly based on their individual needs.