The P3 Experience Interactive Cognitive Approach

Interactive Cognitive Approach


  1. Identifies the mental processing of thinking, remembering, learning, and using set skills to focus on the understanding of information and concepts.
  2. Demonstrates visualization techniques to remember concepts, organize, and summarize.
  3. Identifies the most effective techniques to reach a successful outcome.
  4. Identifies different variations of framework, task analysis, and significant generalizations of an opponent’s individual skill sets.

P3 Course Design

Opening Activity:

  • Aerobic Preparation


  1. Interactive Decision-Making Simulations:
    • Develop interactive simulations or scenarios where participants must make decisions quickly based on changing variables and circumstances.
    • Incorporate branching narratives or game-like elements where decisions lead to different outcomes, providing immediate feedback on the consequences of their choices.
  2. Group Decision-Making Exercises:
    • Organize group activities or discussions where participants must collaborate to make decisions under time pressure.
    • Encourage participants to share their reasoning behind their choices and engage in constructive debate to explore different perspectives and potential outcomes.
  3. Technology-Assisted Decision-Making Tools:
    • Utilize technology such as decision-making apps or software that present participants with scenarios and measure their reaction times and decision-making processes.
    • These tools can provide instant feedback and analysis, allowing participants to track their performance and identify areas for improvement.
  4. Role-Playing and Scenario-Based Training:
    • Create role-playing scenarios relevant to participants’ interests or professional contexts, where they must navigate complex situations and make decisions on the spot.
    • Facilitate debrief sessions after each scenario to discuss decision-making strategies, analyze outcomes, and identify lessons learned.
  5. Gamification of Decision-Making Training:
    • Incorporate elements of gamification, such as points, levels, or leaderboards, to make decision-making training more engaging and competitive.
    • Design challenges or puzzles that require quick thinking and strategic decision-making, encouraging participants to continuously improve their skills.
  6. Feedback and Reflection:
    • Provide immediate feedback on participants’ decision-making performance, highlighting areas of strength and areas for improvement.
    • Encourage participants to reflect on their decision-making processes, including factors influencing their choices and strategies used to evaluate options.