The P3 Experience Raising Mental and Physical Thresholds

Raising Mental And Physical Thresholds


  1. Develops the ability to sustain a high fractional utilization of their maximal oxygen uptake.
  2. Demonstrates an ability to monitor training schedules and in determining sports performance.
  3. Assesses anaerobic thresholds correlated to the distance running performance as compared to maximum aerobic capacity.
  4. Cultivates mental strength by understanding the integrated status of the different physiological mechanisms.

P3 Course Design

Opening Activity:

  • Aerobic Preparation


  1. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT):
    • Incorporate HIIT exercises into your training regimen to improve physical conditioning, endurance, and resilience.
    • Use Reaction Time & Decision-Making Analysis tasks as intervals during HIIT sessions, challenging individuals to make quick decisions while under physical stress.
  2. Cognitive Training Drills:
    • Develop cognitive training drills that simulate real-world scenarios requiring rapid decision-making and problem-solving.
    • Integrate Reaction Time & Decision-Making Analysis assessments into these drills to measure cognitive performance under pressure.
  3. Dual-Task Training:
    • Implement dual-task training exercises that require individuals to perform physical tasks while simultaneously engaging in cognitive tasks, such as decision-making.
    • Use Reaction Time & Decision-Making Analysis to evaluate individuals’ ability to multitask effectively and maintain performance across both domains.
  4. Progressive Overload:
    • Gradually increase the complexity and intensity of both cognitive and physical training stimuli to progressively challenge individuals and improve their threshold.
    • Monitor Reaction Time & Decision-Making Analysis metrics to ensure that individuals are continually pushing their limits and adapting to increasing demands.
  5. Periodization:
    • Implement periodization principles to systematically vary training intensity, volume, and focus over time.
    • Use Reaction Time & Decision-Making Analysis assessments at different phases of the training cycle to track progress and adjust training protocols accordingly.
  6. Cross-Training:
    • Incorporate a variety of physical activities and cognitive tasks into the training program to promote overall fitness and cognitive versatility.
    • Use Reaction Time & Decision-Making Analysis to assess individuals’ performance across different types of activities and identify areas for improvement.
  7. Recovery and Regeneration:
    • Prioritize recovery strategies such as adequate sleep, nutrition, and rest periods to optimize physical and cognitive recovery between training sessions.
    • Use Reaction Time & Decision-Making Analysis to monitor individuals’ response to recovery interventions and ensure they are adequately recovering from training stressors.