The P3 Experience Regulating Focus and Critical Thinking

Regulating Focus & Critical Thinking


  1. Organizes information through observation and analysis by creating profile maps of individual targets.
  2. Structures reasoning so that there lies an ability to navigate opinions and judgement through reflection and evaluation.
  3. Identifies the different processes applicable to each individual outcome allowing stronger and more precise decision making and commitment.

P3 Course Design

Opening Activity:

  • Aerobic Preparation

Experiential Activities:

  1. Attention Regulation Exercises:
    • Design exercises or activities that demand sustained attention and concentration, such as attentional control tasks or meditation practices.
    • Use Reaction Time & Decision-Making Analysis tools to measure participants’ ability to maintain focus and make accurate decisions under different conditions.
  2. Cognitive Flexibility Training:
    • Develop tasks or games that challenge participants to switch between different decision-making strategies or cognitive processes.
    • Measure participants’ reaction times and decision-making accuracy across various cognitive tasks to assess their cognitive flexibility.
  3. Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Scenarios:
    • Present participants with complex problems or decision-making scenarios that require critical analysis and strategic thinking.
    • Use Reaction Time & Decision-Making Analysis to evaluate participants’ ability to analyze options, weigh potential outcomes, and make informed decisions efficiently.
  4. Metacognitive Strategies:
    • Teach participants metacognitive techniques such as self-monitoring, self-reflection, and self-regulation.
    • Encourage participants to assess their own decision-making processes, identify areas for improvement, and adjust their strategies accordingly.
  5. Feedback and Reflection:
    • Provide immediate feedback on participants’ performance in decision-making tasks, highlighting areas of strength and opportunities for growth.
    • Facilitate reflective discussions where participants analyze their decision-making strategies, discuss alternative approaches, and identify lessons learned.
  6. Integration into Learning Contexts:
    • Integrate Reaction Time & Decision-Making Analysis into educational or professional contexts where critical thinking and focused attention are essential.
    • Design curriculum or training modules that incorporate decision-making tasks tailored to specific learning objectives or job requirements.
  7. Continuous Practice and Improvement:
    • Encourage regular practice of decision-making tasks to enhance cognitive skills and improve reaction times over time.
    • Provide ongoing support and resources for participants to continue developing their focus and critical thinking skills outside of structured learning sessions.