Tribute Donations

Tribute Donations

Connecting our cause to important moments or people in your lives is what makes our tribute donation fundraising so special.  Honorary donations extend the positive impact made by extraordinary people in our lives.  Whether a teacher, a student, parent, administrator, athlete, or organization; a tribute donation is one of the most meaningful gifts as these people represented touch our lives and make the world a better place.  Make a donation in honor or memory of a family member, friend, colleague, or a special life event like a wedding, birth, graduation, or death. Our tribute donations start at $1000.

We will send your designee a special tribute card personalized with your message.  The card will acknowledge that a donation has been made, but will keep the amount of your gift private.  Your tax-deductible donation today will help us continue our work to bring life-changing programs to our youth around the world.  Every dollar we are able to direct toward our mission to teach leadership, focus, and communication skills in our youth comes from donors like yourself.  Tribute cards will be sent based on your preference, either by email or sent in the mail to the recipient.

Give A Tribute Gift In Honor of Someone Special

Love carries us into a peace of mind that the world we live in is a place we may leave a legacy. Our children are not only our future; they are the energy pushing us forward today. Each young person impacted adds that much more value to the world by striving to also leave a positive legacy. As adults, together we raise each child as our own in hopes of giving them the strength to believe and inspire their possibilities.

              - Rodney Zimmerman (Conditioned Minds Founder)



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